City of Corner Brook, NL
The City of Corner Brook, NL was looking for a solution to improve their citizen issue tracking, while providing their 31,917+ residents with better services. The system they had in place was not meeting their needs; specifically when it came to reporting.
They began investigating several alternative citizen issue tracking solutions and selected AccessE11 in September 2019. With its affordable price point, they were able to make this decision without having to go through a long and arduous process – saving them countless hours of staff resources.
Getting Started
They began with their Public Works and Water & Wastewater Divisions. Like many municipalities, they were cautious and did not think it was prudent to launch a new platform across all departments at once without being sure it was going to meet the needs of both the staff and the citizen’s they serve.
They quickly recognized the strengths of AccessE11. The software allowed all staff members to update their issues from anywhere using either the web application or logging into the mobile app. Whether they were managing a repair from the water and sewer department or keeping track of a snow clearing request from public works, the issues were updated, and staff were notified in real-time.
With the proven success of AccessE11 in these departments, they quickly added the Municipal Enforcement Division onto the platform and are currently expanding its use to include all municipal departments within the organization.
Collecting the right information – and simplified reporting
Using the unique “Case Intake Templates”, they are able to define the information collected for any issue in a given category and ensure it was consistent – all staff members are provided the list of information to collect, even if it’s something they are not familiar with.
With all the data in the platform, the Clerk’s Department is now able to easily create weekly reports for council. This allows council to make better informed decisions for the City of Corner Brook and the citizen’s they serve.
With better reporting and data analysis from AccessE11, the city has been able to improve service to the citizen’s they serve while reducing labour costs.
Accessible from anywhere – allowing for staff to work remotely
AccessE11 allows staff to log in from anywhere. and with the COVID-19 crisis we have all had to restructure how we work daily. AccessE11 has allowed the staff members in the city of Corner Brook to keep up to date on the issues within their departments, regardless of where they are physically located. Staff have been able to easily adapt to the new normal and still be made aware of any changes to the issues they are responsible for with automated notifications provided by the platform when modifications are made.
With over 25 staff using the platform on a regular basis, AccessE11 has become an integral part of Corner Brook’s daily operations.